Кажется, со мной таки случился backup мозга из июльской версии. По крайнее мере я снова ощущаю
шило в мягком месте желание постоянно что-то делать. Возникает, правда, опасение, что 24 часа в сутках покажутся слишком маленьким числом, ну да ладно, такое настроение и самоощущение того стоят. Что-то типа "Париж стоит мессы", ага. Кстати, все помнят, чья фраза?
клавиатурноеInternational keyboard (Win XP)
1. Open your Control Panel (via Start menu or My Computer)
2. Double-click Regional and Language Options
3. Click Languages
4. Click Details
5. Click Add
6. Under "Input Language," pick English (United States)
7. Under "Keyboard layout/IME," pick English (United States - International)
8. Click OK in each dialog window.
French keyboard
1. Follow the instructions above but pick French (Standard)
2. Switch between the English and French layouts with Alt + shift.
3. NOTE: The layout of the French keyboard, known as AZERTY, is somewhat different than the layouts of other keyboards - refer to the map of the French keyboard.
4. HINT: You can invoke the Windows On Screen Keyboard - go to Programs/Accessories/Accessibility/On Screen Keyboard. When you change to the AZERTY keyboard and move your cursor over the on screen keyboard, it will display the AZERTY layout. You can then type the accented letters by clicking on the On Screen Keyboard. After pressing ALT/SHIFT you can then continue typing in QWERTY on the real keyboard.
Using the international keyboard
The international keyboard maintains the QWERTY layout, with the following changes/additions:
1. To type accent grave (à, è, etc), type ` then the vowel.
2. Accent aigu (é ), type ' (single quote) then e.
3. Cédille (ç ), type ' then c.
4. Circonflexe (ê ), type ^ (shift + 6) then e.
5. Tréma (ö ), type " (shift + ') then o.
NOTE: To type any of these symbols by themselves (e.g., single or double quotes) rather than above a vowel, type the symbol then hit the space bar. For example, to type c'est, type c then ' then space then e s t
6. To type French quotation marks « » use ctrl + alt + [ and ], respectively.
The minor disadvantage of the international keyboard is that it takes a little while to get used to typing a space when you actually want to type ' or ".
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